Saturday, September 30, 2023

about a couple songs by a Salt Lake City thrash metal band

Deathblow throws a shoulder into the mosh pit with an early-1980s hardcore punk sound on “Rotten Trajectory,” the opening and titular track of the band’s new EP. This song re-energizes the sounds of Minor Threat and Circle Jerks with truly deft playing, especially the drums.

“Pounder” swaps punk for thrash, which is really Deathblow’s department. The song charges ahead. “Pounder” and “In Plain Sight,” the third and final song, follow the traditions of '80s thrash bands like D.R.I., Overkill, and even Slayer.

For 10 years, Salt Lake City’s Deathblow has thrown down a very denim and high-tops sound—raw and amped-up '80s hardcore traditions cherry-topped by some burning guitar solos. The new EP arrived September 29th via Sewer Mouth Records and is advertised as an “appetizer for the full metal meal coming in the near future!”